It is my great pleasure to welcome you to IAQVEC 2016, the 9th international conference on indoor air quality, ventilation & energy conservation in buildings. Series of IAQVEC conferences started in 1992 in Montreal, Canada. The 9th conference in 2016 will celebrate the 24th anniversary of international conference.
The conference will present the latest research issues
with examples on how an optimal indoor environment
is achieved in healthy and smart manner.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
I warmly invite you to join us in Seoul,
the historical and beautiful city of Korea for IAQVEC 2016.

Indoor Environment Quality & Climate
Ventilation & Airtightness
Ventilation in relation to IAQ & Health Aspects
Smart Technologies for Building Performance
HVAC Systems
Building System Integration and Optimization
Sensors, Controls and Information Management
Modeling and Simulation Tools

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.