The 24th edition of GAeL will take place in Nesin Mathematics Village (Turkey) from 13 June to 17 June 2016. There will be three minicourses, selected contributed talks by participants and poster sessions. Here is the preliminary programm for the minicourses.
David Cox (Amherst College)
Preliminary title: Topics in Toric Geometry
Abstract (draft):
Lecture I: Review of Toric Geometry
Lecture II: The Toric Minimal Model Program
Lecture III: Reflexive Polytopes and Mirror Symmetry
Lecture IV: Multigraded Commutative Algebra and Geometric Modeling
Christian Liedtke (TU München)
Title: Models of Curves, Abelian varieties, and K3 surfaces
Abstract (draft): Given a smooth and proper variety over the field of fractions of a local and complete discrete valuation ring R, is it possible to find “good” models of this variety over R? For some classes of varieties, we have satisfactory answers: namely, minimal models for curves, Néron models for Abelian varieties, and Kulikov models for K3 surfaces. A necessary (and sometimes even sufficient) condition for having a smooth model (a.k.a. good reduction) is an unramified Galois-action on cohomology (a.k.a. trivial monodromy in the complex setting over a disk). I will introduce and discuss these models, state and prove some results, and proceed to some more recent questions and developments. If time permits, I will give applications to reduction modulo finite characteristic, degenerations of families, and compactifications of moduli spaces.
Timothy Logvinenko (Cardiff University)
Title: Introduction to DG-categories in Algebraic Geometry
About GAeL
GAeL, Géométrie Algébrique en Liberté, is a conference organised by and for researchers in Algebraic Geometry at the beginning of their scientific career. The conference gives PhD students and post-docs the opportunity to lecture, often for the first time, in front of an international audience. In addition, selected international experts deliver mini-courses on topics at the cutting-edge of important new developments in Algebraic Geometry.
The first 13 editions of GAeL were organised at the Centre International des Rencontres Mathématiques (Marseille, France), because of which GAeL has a French name. However, nowadays all communication and talks are in English. Most recently, GAeL has taken place in in Bedlewo (Poland), Istanbul (Turkey), Madrid (Spain), Leiden (Netherlands), Coimbra (Portugal), Berlin (Germany), Grenoble (France), Stockholm (Sweden), Trieste (Italy), and Leuven (Belgium). The upcoming conference in 2016 in Turkey will be the 24rd GAeL conference.
Past conferences
GAel XXIII (Leuven, 2015) website
GAel XXII (Trieste, 2014) website
GAel XXI (Stockholm, 2013) website
GAel XX (Grenoble, 2012) website
GAel XIX (Berlin, 2011) website
GAeL XVII (Leiden, 2009) description
Future editions
During each GAeL the location of the following GAeL is decided by the participants. If you have ideas for good locations or funding sources for future conferences, please contact us.
If you would like to get involved with planning a future GAeL, the best first step is to attend the upcoming conference in Turkey, where the new organizing committee is determined.