From Melt To Igneous Rock: An International Workshop On The Petrology & Petrogenesis Of Igneous Rocks
The year 2015 marks the 50th anniversary of the Department of Geological Engineeering in the Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. To celebrate this special year, We have organized an international workshop ‘’From Melt To Igneous Rock: An International Workshop On The Petrology & Petrogenesis Of Igneous Rocks’’ that will be held in Osman Turan Culture and Congress Center of Karadeniz Technical University in Trabzon. The organization will include talks by speakers included a number of experts of igneous petrology and related disciplines (14-16 October) and a sightseeing tour to Sumela Monastery at the end of the course (17 October).
The aims of the short workshop are;
*to bring together researchers working on igneous rocks, within a friendly and stimulating setting,
*to provide participants with a thorough understanding of the nature and origin of igneous rocks,
*to provide an international forum to discuss new ideas and analytical methods for many research fields of igneous rocks,
*to encourage multidisciplinary and international research collaborations.
We would be very happy to put you up in our charming city with the occasion of this special organization.
We look forward to seeing you in Trabzon…
On behalf of committee