Theme: Balkan Countries and EU Accession: Economy, Business and Politics
Keynote Speaker: TBA
Organized and supported by the following universities and institutions:
University of Donja Gorica
Bandirma Onyedi Eylul University
International University of Sarajevo
Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University
Komsija, Sarajevo
Papers are invited from all areas of social sciences. The deadline for submissions of abstracts of no longer than 400 words is May 31, 2018 and should be sent to: Authors of accepted papers will be notified by the selection committee by June 7, 2018, the latest. All abstracts will be reviewed by the selection panel. All papers selected for presentation will be considered for congress proceedings and Inquiry Journal. Deadline for full paper submission is October 31, 2018.
Same author(s) cannot submit more than two papers. However, with different author combinations, maximum of three papers can be accepted for the conference.
Important dates:
May 31, 2018 Deadline for submitting an abstract
June 7, 2018 Notification of acceptance
May 20, 2018 Payment Deadline (Early Bird)
July 20, 2018 Payment Deadline (Regular)
October 31, 2018 Deadline for Final Paper Submission for Proceedings Book
September 3-6, 2018 Congress Days
Registration Fees (for each paper submitted)
Early Bird
From Ex-Yugoslavia
25 Euro
40 Euro
50 Euro
Other Countries
100 Euro
150 Euro
200 Euro
Congress participants are responsible for their own expenses. The registration fee is collected as the contribution of each participant to the common expenses of the organization and includes all coffee breaks, conference materials including the proceedings book as well as the abstracts book. It does not include travel and accommodation expenses. Please note that paper submission is not regarded as a registration. Information about how to make the payment can be obtained from the contact e-mail (