EYE am HERE Fotoğraf Yarışması

EYE am Here Photo Competition

Are you an EU resident between 18 and 30 years old? Do you have a passion for photography? Would you like to come to the #EYE2016 and be one of our photo reporters?

Take part in the photo contest: #EYEamHere!

The photos should portrait the printed version of the EYE2016 logo in your favourite spot (could be the main square of your town, or the place where you hang out with your friends etc)

What do you have to do?
Print out the official EYE2016 logo (ideally in A1, A2, or A3 format)
Take a photo of the printed EYE2016 logo in your special place
Send it (max three photos) only via email (eye@ep.europa.eu), together with the application form

How does it work?
Starting on 11/01/2016 until 29/02/2016, the EYE editorial committee will select the best photos received and publish them in a dedicated album on the EYE Facebook page, where anyone can “like” them.

Tip: to have more visibility and time to get likes, don’t wait until the last minute to send your pics!

On 01/03/2016 the authors of the three photos with the most likes will be announced.

What’s the prize?
The three winners will be invited to the EYE2016 as photo reporters, covering the highlights of the event (opening and closing ceremony, top activities, artistic performances etc.)

Please note that the EP will cover the costs of the three winners for travel and accommodation (two nights).

Don’t hesitate to contact us via email if you need more info about the #EYEamHere photo competition.
Please read very carefully the rules before applying.

Good luck!

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.