Evens Prize for Peace Education 2017

Does your secondary school have a strategy for dealing with ‘hot topics’ in a constructive way? Does your organization support secondary schools to deal with ‘hot topics’, through applying concrete strategies and tools? If so, you might be in the running for the Evens Foundation Peace Education Prize 2017.
Apply now!
The 2017 prize aims to identify inspiring initiatives successfully implemented in secondary schools, so as to answer the need for ‘hot topic’ education strategies and so that these strategies can be promoted and shared with other schools.

Detailed information about the criteria and the procedure of the 2017 edition can be found in the Call for Applications. Submissions should be made in English, in electronic form or by post. The application form should be sent to Marjolein Delvou by 30 September 2016. If your initiative or practice qualifies for consideration, the Evens Foundation will contact you by 15 October 2016 in order to organize a site visit.

An external international jury will assess the proposals and select the laureate. The winner will be invited to the Award Ceremony during the next Conflict Matters Conference in autumn 2017.

If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact marjolein.delvou@evensfoundation.be.

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.