Eurasia Graphics 2014

Call For Papers
Eurasia Graphics aims to bring together researchers, practitioners, students, and the industry working in the field of computer graphics, animation and gaming to share their findings, experiences, and insights in a friendly and collaborative setting.

Related Areas:

Various topics from the Computer Graphics, Animation and Gaming fields are pertinent to this Conference. The Scientific committee members are composed of international experts in various disciplines. The technical program will consist of keynote speakers by eminent specialists, oral presentation of the contributed papers and posters of the work-in-progress.

For this conference it is possible to present full paper, short paper, poster presentation and display or video-paper. These submissions may include Research, Review and Application but are not limited to:

Real-time rendering
Global illumination, photo-realistic computer graphics
Graphics hardware and hardware-related techniques (GPU)
Non-photorealistic techniques
Modeling and Animation
Geometry modeling and advanced concepts
Motion Control,
Motion Capture and Retargeting,
Crowd Animation
Physics based Animation,
Behavioral Animation,
Facial Animation,
Images, processing and vision
Computational photography
Image-based computer graphics
Image processing and computer vision
Information visualization
Scientific visualization
Volume graphics
Advanced interaction
User interfaces, human-computer interaction
Virtual environments / augmented reality / mixed reality
Computer graphics for small/large displays
Game Technologies
Game Engine Architectures and Game Platforms
Serious Games
Game Testing and Experience
Game Development Pipelines
Artificial Intelligence and Physics for Games
Sound and Music Design

All accepted regular papers will be published in the proceedings of the conference which will be available during the conference.
It will be possible to publish the extended versions of the conference articles in the Journal of Graphics Tools (subject to peer-review) assuming that their aims and scope match to those of the journal.


We also call for tutors to deliver courses on hot topics of the conference. Transportation and accommodation expenses will be reimbursed by the conference organization.

French, German and Turkish Short Animation Film Festival:

At the end of the congress a short animation film exhibition prepared by French, German and Turkish producers will be presented under the sponsorship of Hacettepe University, Goethe Institute Ankara and French Institute Ankara.


The posters should be printed on paper size A0 portrait (84.1cm x 118.9cm)

Please, visit the following web sites on poster presentations if you don’t have any experience in designing posters:
The poster presentations will take place in the main hall of Congress Centre. Posters should be set up on Monday 14th October in time of registration between 08.30-09.30.

more information please contact:

Prof. Hasmet Gurcay


Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.