EEA Photo Competition

EEA Photo Competition

The European Environment Agency (EEA) has launched the “NATURE@work” photo competition inviting citizens from EEA member countries and West Balkan cooperating countries to capture how nature benefits them.

Participants, from 18 years old, will have to submit up to five photos, supported by a short text depicting any of the following three categories:
1. NATUREprovides,
2. NATUREprotects,
3. NATUREinspires.

The winners in each category will be awarded cash prizes of EUR 2,000 for the 1st prize, EUR 1,500 for the 2nd prize, EUR 1,000 for the 3rd prize and EUR 500 for the Public Choice award and the Youth Prize.
The Youth Prize will be awarded to the winning entry, selected among those submitted by persons aged between 18 and 24 (born between calendar years 1993-1999) to any of the competition categories.
All the finalists will be put forward for the Public Choice Award and may also feature in future digital and print material from the EEA and its European partners.

Deadline: 15 August 2017 at 23:59 (CEST).

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