Comic & Cartoon Competition – Gender Equality: Picture It!

About the Competition
UN Women together with the European Commission, the Belgian Development Cooperation, and UNRIC is organizing a Comic and Cartoon Competition on Gender Equality.
Show us what comes to your mind when you reflect on women’s rights and empowerment and on the relationship between women and men. Get familiar with the Beijing Conference and its outcome document, the Beijing Declaration and its Platform for Action. Seek inspiration for your drawings in the 12 Critical Areas of Concern of the Beijing Platform!

The Competition is open to comic and cartoon artists and art students, from 18 to 28 years old, who are residents of an EU member state.

Please note that your comic or cartoon must be without words.

One First Prize: 1000 EUR
One Second Prize: 500 EUR
Three Third Prizes: 200 EUR each
The five finalists will be invited to Brussels to the Competition awards ceremony in summer 2015. The costs for travel and stay will be borne by the Organising Entities. In addition, the finalists’ and semi-finalists’ drawings will be published in a booklet and may be considered for exhibition as well as for further publication.
Finalists will be selected by a jury composed of professional comic artists, gender equality experts and

communication experts:
Pierre Kroll, Belgian Comic Artist, Member of Cartooning for Peace
Marlène Pohle, Comic Artist, Vice-President of Federation of Cartoonists Organisations
Salla Saastamoinen, Director for Equality, European Commission
Alexander de Croo, Minister of Development Cooperation of Belgium
Sylvie Braibant, Editor-in-Chief TV5MONDE

Nanette Braun, Chief of Communications and Advocacy, UN Women
The submission deadline is 20 April 2015.
For more information on the Competition, including its full terms and conditions, please see the briefing note below (available in all official EU languages). The competition is conducted by the UN Women Brussels Office.

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