Student-Centered Learning
Birikim Schools, which has great success in every field of education, proceed to intensify its studies on ushering in a new epoch in foreign languages teaching. In its tens of schools, at all grades from kindergarten to last year of high school, it regulates its education and teaching program for its students to master at one foreign language at least. Birikim Schools also puts so much effort into learning second, even third foreign language at its secondary schools.

To make our developing and fast growing country one of the strongest countries in the world, Birikim Schools is aware of the fact that education is the prior element. With its own education philosophy and mission, Birikim Schools performs lots of studies to make a significant contribution to not only its own students’ foreign language education but also all of the students’ in our country. It also concerns with the matters of our country’s youth and educationists.

In accordance with this purpose, “Birikim ELT Conference” is being conducted at Bornova Campus of Birikim Schools on 31st March, 2018. A good deal of solution partners collaborate with Birikim Schools for this conference which will be carried out as four different sessions.

In the first plenary session of the conference, Sam Whittam who currently works for UES (Unlimited Educational Services) as a teacher trainer and educational consultant and has been working in Turkey as a teacher, examiner and editor for the past seven years, will give a seminar. In concurrent sessions; Alethea Simatos, Ercan Altuğ Yılmaz, Gina Williams , Grant Kempton , Meaghan Staff, Naz Gürpınar and Seema Shad’s workshops will be offered. In the second plenary session, Joseph Malloy, who holds a BA in English and an M.A. in Communications – and is licensed and certified in English and ESL/EFL, has also pursued a doctorate work in education at Bath University, focusing on teaching and learning in Turkey and has a fellowship in Independent School Leadership at Columbia, makes a speech on Student Centered Learning.

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.