Birikim 5th ELT Conference

ELT Konferansı
ELT Konferansı

ELT Conference – Birikim Schools, which has great success in every field of education, proceed to intensify its studies on ushering in a new epoch in foreign languages teaching. In its tens of schools, at all grades from kindergarten to last year of high school, it regulates its education and teaching program for its students to master at one foreign language at least. Birikim Schools also puts so much effort into learning second, even third foreign language at its secondary schools.

To make our developing and fast growing country one of the strongest countries in the world, Birikim Schools is aware of the fact that education is the prior element. With its own education philosophy and mission, Birikim Schools performs lots of studies to make a significant contribution to not only its own students’ foreign language education but also all of the students’ in our country. It also concerns with the matters of our country’s youth and educationists.

In accordance with this purpose, the fifth one of “Birikim ELT Conference” is being conducted at Güneşli Campus of Birikim Schools on 14th March, 2020. A good deal of solution partners collaborate with Birikim Schools for this conference which will be carried out as four different sessions.

In the first plenary session of the conference, Paul Seligson, who has been “TEFLing” worldwide for 40 years and is well-known for his lively, pragmatic training and whose many ELT publications include English File (OUP), and for Richmond, Helping Students to Speak, Awesome, Kids’ Web, Essential English 1-5, English ID 0-3 + Identities 1 & 2, the first 6-level course specifically written for Romance Language background learners, will give a seminar. In the first of concurrent sessions; Benek Arıoğlu, Hatice Svetlana Terzi, Julie Richards, Laura Moulton, Tuba Şenel and Steve O’Farrel; in the second of concurrent sessions; Ally Kensington, Betül Aksakal, Elena Bolel, Ferhat Karanfil, M. Henry Fadl and Sharon Barret’s workshops will be offered. In the second plenary session, Grant Kempton, who has been involved in ELT for more than 32 years and who is also an ELT writer, being involved in such courses as Language Leader, Opportunities, New Success and New Total English, will give a seminar.

The applications of the teachers of English of both public and private schools and final year ELT students of universities will be accepted to the conference themed “Breathing Life Into ELT”. To attend the conference at which limited number of participants will be welcomed, please fill in the application form here . After you have made payment, your application will be finalized. At the end of the conference, all the participants will be given certificates. For your further questions, please write to us:

09:00-10:00 Registration (Delivery of Conference Bags)
10:00-10:15 Opening and Welcome Speech
10:15-11:30 Plenary Session 1 – Paul Seligson (UES)
11:30-11:45 Coffee Break
11:45-12:45 Concurrent Session 1
12:45-13:45 Lunch
13:45-14:45 Concurrent Session 2
14:45-15:00 Coffee Break
15:00-16:00 Plenary Session 2 – Grant Kempton (Pearson)
16:00-16:30 Raffle and Delivery of Certificates

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.