Avrupa Komisyonu Burs Çağrısı

The call for DG Interpretation Bursaries has been launched.

Each year, the Directorate General for Interpretation of the European Commission offers a number of bursaries. Interpretation study bursaries are available to students of all disciplines who have been accepted for a full-time postgraduate training course in conference interpreting offered by a recognised university or university-level institution.
The amount of the bursary to be granted is EUR 2,400 for those studying in a Member State, and EUR 1,600 for those studying in a candidate country, non Member State.

Deadlines: 16 September 2013 (for initial applications), 30 September 2013 (for full dossiers).

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Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.