AEGEE – Association des Etats Généraux des Etudiants de l’Europe ( European Students’ Forum) is a student association. It promotes the idea of a unified Europe, cross-border co-operation, communication, integration among students and strives to create an open and tolerant society of tomorrow.
AEGEE is an interdisciplinary, voluntary, non-governmental, politically independent and non-profit making association. It is represented in 200 university cities, in 40 countries all around Europe.
It’s main field of action covers peace and stability, higher education, active citizenship and cultural exchange.
Each year “Summer Universities” are held by most of the AEGEE local groups (called antennae) in order to promote the intercultural understanding. Students can travel to an antennae in another country, where the host students teach them their language and culture.
It is a general policy that the participating students are hosted for free by the fellow AEGEE members, making travels in Europe affordable, and most important the communication with other students possible.
The summer university contains different kinds of programmes: language Course; language Course Plus; Summer Course; Summer Course Plus; Travelling Summer University; Summer Event.
The activities of all antennae are co-ordinated by the European Board (Comité Directeur).
The procedure for applying online for the Summer University:
1. Connect to AEGEE’s homepage
2. Find the AEGEE antennae nearest to you and become a member
3. Contact the local antennae. You will be familiarised with the AEGEE and assisted to choose up to three destinations. You may then submit your application.
The application period will start on the 1st March 2013.
Deadline 28 April 2013
Preselection results will be published by 2 May 2013.
Selected results will be published by 12 May 2013.
The duration of the Summer University varies between 1 to 3 weeks and the fees are between EUR 70 and 90 per week.
A list of the member countries are available at:
Programla İlgili Dökümanlar
AEGEE Summer University
Programla İlgili İletişim
AEGEE – European Students’ Forum
Rue du Noyer 55
B-1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 246 0320
Faks: +32 2 246 0329