Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is a pleasure to invite you to the 9
th International Conference on Future Learning and Informatics. The theme of the conference
will be Creating A Human-Focused Future and we would like you to participate in the debate on strategies for developing the most effective methods, techniques and technologies that will serve humankind in the learning process for future. Considering the fact that learning is a lifelong journey, developments in data science, informatics and computer sciences bring new challenges and opportunities. FL2022 Conference will host a productive debate on how to better human endeavour within the dynamic world of information sciences.
Please explore the website for more details, check on important dates, and keep yourself up to date on recent changes.
Conference tracks:
TRACK 1: Economy
TRACK 2: Gamification
TRACK 3: New Technologies and Human in Natural Disasters
TRACK 4: Creativity
Conference Topics
* Technology and Human
* Artificial Intelligence (AI)
* Big Data
* Blockchain
* Cloud Based Systems
* Code Learning
* Cognitive Learning
* Computer Literacy
* Computer Vision
* Data Mining
* Deep Learning
* Design Thinking
* Digital Divide
* Digital Literacy
* Digital Transformation
* Distance Learning in Higher Education Institutions
* e-Government and e-Learning
* e-Learning Strategies for Moderation and Assessment
* Ethics
* Expected Student Qualifications in the Digital Age
* Game Based Learning
* Gamification
* Green IT
* Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
* Human 5.0
* Human Smart Cities
* Information Literacy
* Innovative Learning
* Institutional Strategies, Policies, Standards, Accreditation and
Certification for e-Learning
* Internet of Things (IoT)
* Knowledge Management
* Learning with Online games
* Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)
* Measurement and Evaluation of e-Learning Systems
* Metaverse – Virtual Reality – Augmented Reality/Virtuality
* Mobile Learning
* Natural Language Processing
* Robot Learning
* Security Problems and Solutions in e-Learning
* Social Media and e-Learning
* Society 5.0
* Sociological and Psychological Dimensions of e-Learning
* Testing and Evaluation of e-Learning Systems
* Virtual Class Applications
* Wearable Technologies
* Web 5.0 and Economy
* Web 5.0 and Social Behaviour
Contact Information
Official Website:
Conference Language
English and Turkish
Important Dates:
Full Paper Submission: 20 September, 2022
Conference Dates: 09-11 November, 2022