“CALL FOR SESSION” is now open until 10 January 2014
The home of earliest civilizations on Earth, the Eastern Mediterranean is among the most interesting regions in Earth Sciences. Earliest discoveries related to the Earth’s geology, such as the use of ore deposits or fossil fuels took place in the Eastern Mediterranean. Besides, intense seismic and volcanic activity or extreme climate changes played crucial roles in shaping the civilizations and developments in this region. Therefore, the complex geology of the Eastern Mediterranean is still an appealing subject for many earth scientists.
Since decades, onland and offshore researches revealed extensive amount of information on the geologic, tectonic, seismic and climatic history of the region. Besides, discoveries of natural resources raised interest for new research and investments in the Eastern Mediterranean. The International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology (ISEMG) aims to provide a permanent platform for experts in geology, geophysics, mining and other geosciences to share and discuss their recent work and hereby establish international networks among several disciplines of Geosciences. Since 1992, the symposium has been held in several countries, such as Israel, Jordan, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey. Since then, the community of ISEMG has been continuously increasing. Now in 2014, the 8th ISEMG will be held in Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University.
The Department of Geological Engineering of Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University is honoured to host the 8th International Symposium on Eastern Mediterranean Geology. We welcome studies of a wide range in Geosciences and are looking forward for your contribution to this symposium. The 8th ISEMG is hoping to support the existing geoscience network and enable new collaborations among colleagues for future projects in the Mediterranean.
We are looking forward to seeing you in Muğla.
Subjects open for sessions and abstracts (alphabetic order):
Coal Geology
Earthquake Geology (Paleoseismology, Tsunami, Paleotsunami, Seismology, historical seismology)
Engineering Geology
Environmental Geology
Geochemistry and Petrology
Geological Heritage
Magmatic and Metamorphic Petrology
Medical Geology
Mineral Resources, Ore Deposits, Metallogeny
Natural Hazard
Petroleum Geology
Remote Sensing
Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Structural Geology
Tectonics (Paleotectonics, Neotectonics, Active Tectonics)
And more
Feel free to propose any specific subject of Geosciences that is related to the Eastern Mediterranean.
Organizing Committee
Honorary President Prof. Dr. Mansur HARMANDAR (Rector of Mugla Sıtkı Koçman University)
President Prof. Dr. Fikret KAÇAROĞLU (Head of the Geological Engineering Dept.)
Secretary Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat GÜL (MSKU)
Assistant Secretaries Asst. Prof. Dr. Murat Ersen AKSOY (MSKU)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Sena AKÇER (MSKU)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Özgür AVŞAR (MSKU)
Treasurer Asst. Prof. Dr. Murat Ersen AKSOY (MSKU)
Social Affairs Asst. Prof. Dr. Sena AKÇER (MSKU)
Members Prof. Dr. Ergun KARACAN (MSKU)
Prof. Dr. İlkay KUŞCU (MSKU)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Gonca KUŞCU (MSKU)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Semih GÜRSU (MSKU)
Asst. Prof. Dr. Bedri KURTULUŞ (MSKU)
Res. Spec. Özlem YILMAZ (MSKU)
Res. Asst. Taner KORKMAZ (MSKU)
Res. Asst. Bora ÖN (MSKU)
Res. Asst. Esra ÇETİN (ITU & IPGS)
Kongre Tarihi
17 Ekim 2014 – 13
Kongre Yeri
Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi – MUĞLA
Kongre Dili
ISEMG 2014 resmi dili İngilizce’dir.
Kongre Web Sayfası
Technical Issues
Dr. Murat GÜL, Dr. Murat Ersen AKSOY, Dr. Sena AKÇER
Organizing Secretary
Eighth International Eastern Mediterranean Geology Symposium
Department of Geological Engineering,
Engineering Faculty,
Mugla Sıtkı Kocman University,
48000, Kotekli-Mugla, TURKEY
Tel: +90-252-211 19 13 or 211 19 28 or 211 50 60 or 211 50 55
Fax: +90-252-211 19 12
e-mail: submissions@isemg.org