6th YOUTH Contest

2013: Grenzerfahrung Europa – Jumping the borders and boundaries

Recently there have been rather bad news from Europe: discrimination and prejudices play a major role in media and politics. But what do you think about Europe? What does “Jumping the borders and boundaries” mean to you? Do you think about precarious situations that showed you your very own limits? Mentally or physically? Have you perhaps realized how to overcome interpersonal barriers while staying abroad? Did you ever try to walk the edge and see how far you can go?
Or do you think of frontiers between countries complicating people’s entries and preventing them from achieving their personal future plans?

It doesn’t matter what kind of border or boundary you are thinking of, tell us your opinion in the 6th Youth Contest Europeans involved – “Grenzerfahrung Europa – Jumping the borders and boundaries.” There are two categories: A video- and a writing contest. It’s up to you if you present your statement in a short video or in an essay, a story or a report.

Participating is easy:

Register on youthreporter.eu and upload your video clip and/or text from 2nd of April until 31st of August 2013. Your competition entry will be online at youthreporter.eu and can be seen and voted for by your friends and other visitors. Users will be able to vote for your entry until 15th of September 2013. The text and the video with the highest number of positive votes win a public’s choice award.

The final decision will be made by an independent jury in October 2013. The winners in both categories will be announced shortly after.

Prizes Video contest:

1. Prize: 700 Euro
2. Prize: 500 Euro
3. Prize: 400 Euro
4. – 10. Prize: 100 Euro

Prizes Writing contest:

1. Prize: 700 Euro
2. Prize: 500 Euro
3. Prize: 400 Euro
4. – 10. Prize: 100 Euro

Public’s Choice Award: 200 Euro for the text and the video with the highest number of positive votes.

Entry deadline: 31st of August 2013

Who can participate?

People from European countries who are between 13 and 30 years old can participate. If you are (or were) abroad with YOUTH IN ACTION, participated in a youth exchange, EVS or another project located in the EU, you are very much invited to join in.

More information at

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