5. BİLGİ ELT Konferansı

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to cordially invite you to a day which promises to be intellectually stimulating and engaging and embellished with opportunities for professional interactions, socialising and networking.

Our main theme this year is Changing Trends, Timeless Principles: Learning Dynamics in English Language Teaching and this theme is what we believe is worth pondering on.

The main speakers and workshop presenters will focus on the main theme from different aspects such as impacts on recent cognitive studies and other research on ELT, changing classroom dynamics and activities, professional development activities, management and assessment of learning while keeping the main principles of language teaching in mind.

We are looking forward to hosting you at our santralistanbul campus. Your participation will make this gathering a memorable event.

Didem MUTÇALIOĞLU                                    Burcu TEZCAN-UNAL

English Language Program Director                      Conference Organizer

İstanbul BİLGİ University’s English Language Programs proudly announces the 2013 ELT Conference, the third stage of what was initiated in 2010. This year’s conference theme is Changing Trends, Timeless Principles: Learning Dynamics in English Language Teaching under the main title, which leads us to our overall goal, ‘AN OPEN INVITATION TO COLLABORATION IN ELT: Joint Forces for Joint Goals—A Common Platform for High Schools and Prep Departments.’ The conferencewill take place at BİLGİ santralistanbul Campus on May 11, 2013.

The only thing that does not change is “change” itself. Acknowledging that change is inevitable, we would like to inquire as to which learning principles change and which ones are timeless.

In this year’ conference, we aspire to elaborate on a topic that interests many conscientious educators: the importance of essential and enduring principles of learning in ELT in an ever-changing world. While modern times seems to offer a lot to educators thanks to the practicality and richness that learning technologies can provide, we strongly believe that ELT professionals would benefit from a further discussion with regards to some of the main principles of language teaching and learning that may not be changed in the foreseeable future.

We would like to offer a platform where our plenary and key speakers draw our attention to the recent debates on the language learning principles and propose ideas for us to ponder so we may relate it to our own contexts. We would like the workshops to demonstrate some practical aspects of the chosen topic.

Please join us and contribute to the main theme by choosing one of the following subtopics referring to ELT:

The relationship and dichotomy between teaching and learning
Affective aspects of teaching, training and management
Learning and learners in an ever-changing world
Effective Ways of Assessing Learning in the 21st Century
Implications of Research in ELT and putting them into Practice
Pedagogical implications of e-learning on learners and teachers
Teachers’ beliefs in learning and how they affect practice
Content integrated language teaching and the effects on learning
Teachers as researchers of practice
Latest learning theories and implications
Learner autonomy
Misconceptions about learners’ aspirations


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