4.th International New Media Conference

4.th International New Media Conference

will be held by The New Media, Radio Television & Cinema and Computer Engineering Departments. The main topic is The Artificial Intelligence Practices of Engineering, Art and Communication. Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously unpublished research on all aspects of artificial intelligence. All papers will receive mindful and rigorous reviews. İstanbul Gelişim University has arrange new media conference regulary since 2015. İstanbul Gelişim University organized this conference in order to follow the developments in artificial intelligence field and to be useful in this issue.

Main topic:The Artificial Intelligence Practices of Engineering, Art and Communication

The conference scope includes all subareas of AI, including (but not limited to) traditional topics such as;

Big Data Applications
Cloud Computing AI Applications
Cyber Security AI Applications
Advanced Knowledge Representation
Intelligent Reasoning
Multiagent & Hybrid Systems
Robotics and Perception
Intelligent Gamming & Constraint Satisfaction
Machine & Deep Learning, Search & Planning
Intelligent Sensor Systems
Artificial İntelligence in Education & Training
Advancing AI Challenges
Artificial Intelligence in Publishing
Artificial Intelligence in Public Relations
Artifical Intelligence in Radio and Cinema
Artificial Intelligence in Arts
Artificial Intelligence in Communiation


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