2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation

International Institute of Knowledge Innovation and Invention(IIKII)

The International Society of Educational Research (iSER)

National Taiwan Normal University Science Education Center

2nd Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation 2019 (ECEI 2019) will be held in Singapore on January 27 – 29, 2019, and will provide a communication platform for researchers in the topic of educational innovations. We welcome opinion leaders, researchers, academicians, policy makers, innovators, and practitioners from around the world to participate in ECEI 2019. This conference aims to enable interdisciplinary collaboration between educators and experts from other areas in the academic and industrial fields as well as international networking. During the conference, there will be substantial time for presentation of ideas and discussion. Attendees will find various activities useful in bringing together a diverse group of teachers, educators, engineers and technologists from across disciplines for the generation of new ideas, collaboration potential and business opportunities.

All accepted papers which will be submitted in the proceedings of ECEI 2019, indexing by EI. Excellent papers selected from ECEI 2019 will be recommended to be published on suitable 6 different SSCI or ESCI journals after an additional review process and need extra publication charge.

(A) K-12 Education
(B) University/College Education
(C) Cognitive, Affective, and Social Aspects of Teaching and Learning
(D) Teacher Training/Education
(E) Professional Development
(F) Curriculum Development
(G) Educational Measurement, Evaluation, and Assessment
(H) Cooperative/Collaborative Learning and Environments
(I) Problem/Project Based Learning
(J) Didactic/Pedagogical Issues
(K) STEM Education
(L) Teaching/Learning Strategies
(M) Methodologies for Educational Research
(N) Metaphors, Analogies, Models, Animations or Simulations in Teaching and Learning
(O) Instructional Design News
(P) Distance Education
(Q) E-Learning
(R) Educational Technology
(S) ICT in Education
(T) Blended Learning
(U) Knowledge Management
(V) Learning Management Systems
(W) Human Computer Interactions
(X) Web 2.0 Tools for Education
(Y) Other Fields About Education


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