2014 Sakıp Sabancı International Research Award


Sakıp Sabancı International Research Award

Announcement for 2014 Awards


Despite significant efforts and progress toward reducing the gender gap in its economic, political and social life, Turkey has fallen short of realizing the goal of gender equality by most standards. To cite only one assessment, it ranks 124th out of 135 countries in World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report in 2012. It is thus as urgent as ever to understand the nature and extent of gender-based inequalities in Turkey in their structural dimensions and diverse patterns, as well as to recognize and evaluate the scope and impact of the achievements in the direction of equality. Tis requires a consideration of the interconnections between different domains of the gender regime in Turkey, from economic and political practices that prevent equal empowerment, to the taken-for- granted forms of everyday gendered behavior, the propagation of patriarchal values, or the restrictions on sexuality and gender identity rights. Such a consideration will benefit from alternative conceptualizations of persisting problems, proposals for new countervailing strategies, and the contextualization of issues of gender equality in different theoretical and comparative frameworks..

The deadline for submissions is, Friday, March 28th 2014.

The Sakıp Sabancı International Research Award entails a Jury Prize for 25,000 USD on the above-mentioned theme. The Jury Prize will be awarded to an individual who has made distinguished contributions in this theme.

An independent and international jury will select this Awardee.

A series of Essay Awards will also be given to researchers under 45 years of age. This category includes 10,000 USD for each of three award-winning essays selected by the same jury panel from among submissions made for the competition.

The Essay Awards competition calls for the examination the Turkish experience of the above-mentioned theme from a comparative perspective. Turkish commitment to democracy and the strains and pressures generated by rapid social, economic and cultural transformations threatening democratic consolidation deserve further analysis within a comparative framework

Conditions for the Essay Award competition are:

• All entries, which may be coauthored, must be new and original works, not published previously in any form.

• Essays must be of the format and size of a regular academic journal article (25 to 35 pages, in double-space format, including references).

• An abstract of 500 words embedded into the original essay and a short CV of the author(s) are required.

• Entries must be submitted in English, in the form of a Word document to the following address: award.sabanciuniv.edu/submityourentryform

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.