2. International Conference on Ethics Education

Dear my colleagues

On behalf of the International Association for Education in Ethics (IAEE), it is my great honour to invite you for to the 2nd International Conference on Ethics Education to be held in Turkey during the third week of May, 2014, in Ankara, the capital and very well developed city at the heart of Turkey.

My country attributes great importance to this unique and rapidly evolving academic disciplines of humanity, medicine and law intersect.
We have medical ethics and medical law courses in all medical schools, as an indispensable part of undergraduate medical education in Turkey. On one hand this fact has been based on the traditional approach in medical education since 19th century. On the other hand, this huge potential background has been offered us a great opportunity to study, explore and shape modern ethics curriculum in medicine. This dynamic nature necessitates in depth and through assessments of medical practice from an ethico-legal standing point.

I am convinced that it is of great importance for Turkey to host this prestigious and important numerous congresses, particularly with regard to a strong incentive for the development of a separate professional and scientific discipline of medical law / health law. I base my personal engagement, as a full professor in a very eminent medical school of Turkey, to realize universal ethical principles and values in medical curriculum and health legislation in my country. With that intention, I have worked actively in the IAEE as a founding member and chair of the Board, and therefore I believe that you will recognize not only my personal wishes about this conference, but also a broader impact of your participation for my fellow countrymen and for the development of ethics education in all over the world in which Turkey takes place in a geostrategic central position.

In the past, Turkey has distinguished itself for hosting so many such activities on a great variety of topics with outstanding success. We expect that the 2nd Congress of Ethics Education be held in co-operation with you in Turkey, after the first conference in Pittsburgh- USA in May 2012, would greatly contribute to the development of IAEE itself, as well as its greater breakthrough in Eastern Europe, Mediterranean and Middle East.

I am convinced that within the region in which Turkey has a prominent place and role in the academic, scientific and cultural sense, the IAEE can attract a large number of new members and collaborators from Academic World.

Hoping your participation to the Ankara Congress, May 21-23 2014, I want to say “Welcome to Ankara and Turkey” in advance.

Yours sincerely

Prof. Berna Arda (MD, Med Spec,PhD)
IAEE Chair of the Board, Ankara University Faculty of Medicine

Goals of ethics education
Methods of education
Evaluation of ethics education programs
Future developments in ethics education
Ethics education improvement
Bioethics education
Biotechnology ethics education
Bussiness ethics education
Communication ethics education
Dental ethics education
Ethics and biological sciences
Ethics and law
Education ethics
Engineering ethics education
Environmental ethics education
Ethics education in resource – poor countries
History of ethics education
Research ethics education
Religious ethics education
Medical ethics education
Nursing ethics education
Philosophical ethics education
Pharmacy ethics education
Science ethics education
Sports and ethics education
Social sciences and ethics education
Veterinary ethics education

Assoc. Prof. Ahmet ACIDUMAN, Dr. Önder ILGILI

Scientific Advisory Committee
Berna ARDA, Turkey
AliReza BAGHERI, Iran
Leo de CASTRO, Philippines/Singapore
Bahaa DARWISH, Egypt
Christophe DIKENOU, Togo
Anne- Marie DUGUET, France
Dafna FEINHOLZ, Mexico/France
Volnei GARRAFA, Brazil
Bert GORDIJN, Ireland
Henk ten HAVE, Netherlands/USA
Amin KASHMEERY, Saudi Arabia
Vugar MAMMADOV, Azerbaijan
Paul NDEBELE, Botswana/Malawi

Organizing Committee
Prof. Berna ARDA (Ankara University)
Prof. Adnan ATAÇ (Gülhane Military Medical Academy)
Prof. İnayet AYDIN (Ankara University)
Prof. Pınar Aydın O’DWYER
Prof. Hayriye ERBAŞ (Ankara University)
Prof. Tuncay ERGENE (Hacettepe University)
Prof. Şengül HABLEMITOĞLU(Ankara University)
Prof. Gülbin ÖZÇELIKAY (Ankara University)
Prof. Canan ÖZGEN (Middle East Technical University)
Prof. Nurgün PLATIN
Prof. Serap ŞAHINOĞLU (Ankara University)
Prof. Sevgi ŞAR (Ankara University)
Prof. Neyyire Yasemin YALIM (Ankara University)
Assoc. Prof. Ahmet ACIDUMAN (Ankara University)
Assoc. Prof. Tamay BAŞAĞAÇ GÜL (Ankara University)
Assoc. Prof. Muharrem UCAR ( Gulhane Military Medical Academy)
Assist. Prof. Atilla ÖZGÜR (Ankara University)
Assist. Prof. M. Volkan KAVAS (Ankara University)
Dr. Kumru ARAPGİRLİOĞLU (Bilkent University)
Dr. Önder ILGILI (Ankara University)

Papers will be selected from the abstracts by the Scientific Advisory Committee

Bilimsel Sekreterya

Dr Önder İlgili

Doç. Prof Ahmet Acıduman

Organizasyon Sekreterliği
Tel: +90 312 454 0000
Fax: +90 312 454 0001
E-Posta: iaee2014ankara@flaptour.com.tr
Adres: 441. Cadde No: 1, 06610
Birlik-Çankaya – Ankara / TÜRKİYE www.flaptour.com.tr

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.