1st International Symposium on Innovations in Civil Engineering and Technology

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we are pleased to invite you to participate in 1st International Symposium on Innovations in Civil Engineering and Technology (ICIVILTECH 2019) which will be held in İkbal Thermal Hotel Afyonkarahisar/TURKEY on October 23-25, 2019.

ICIVILTECH 2019 intends to be a global forum for researchers and professionals, of current issues, recent progresses and future directions in Civil Engineering. Another goal of ICIVILTECH 2019 is to bring together researchers, scientists and experts from universities, companies, institutions, communities, agencies, associations and societies in the field of civil engineering to to provide them a unique platform for sharing worldwide ideas as well as the recent developments on civil engineering, technology and innovation and create an opportunity for new collaborations and to share knowledges.

We invite you to submit papers and proposals for special sessions on civil engineering technology and innovation. More details are provided in the symposium web site ).

Specific questions concerning further information can be sent by e-mail to: cgurer@aku.edu.tr, gurercahit@gmail.com

We are looking forward to meeting you at ICIVILTECH 2019.

With our best regards.

Symposium Chairman
Prof.Dr.Hüseyin AKBULUT

Construction technology
Steel and Timber Structures
Theory of Structures
Structural Mechanics
Structural analysis and design
Strengthening and repair
Innovative structures and details
Construction technology
Structural analysis and design
Strengthening and repair
Structural and Material Engineering
Construction Engineering and Management
Construction Management
Cementitious/Composite/Insulation Materials
Advanced materials
Advanced structural materials
Green building materials and technology
Structural Materials
Structural Engineering
Composites and Hybrid Materials
Geotechnical Engineering
Water resources
Hydraulics Engineering
Water and Wastewater Treatment Engineering
Traffic engineering
Transportation Engineering
Railway engineering
Surveying in Civil Engineering Applications
Pavement engineering
Engineering Geology
Geoenvironmental related topics
Geohazards and Risk Assessment
Geotechnical Infrastructure
Mining and Geotechnics
Design and Modelling
Soil and Rock Mechanics and Characterization
Asphalt Products and Properties
Earthquake engineering
Excavation and underground structures
City-Regional Planning
Construction Management and Engineering
Energy in Buildings
Renewable energy resources
Environmental pollution and control
Heat Treatment
Architecture engineering
Urban development
Architectural Design and Theory
Building Science and Technology
History of Architecture
Conservation and Restoration
Urban Studies and Planning
Industrial Design
Monitoring and structural assessment
Durability and life assessment
Sustainability and life cycle management
Earthquake and structural engineering
New technologies, methods and techniques in civil engineering
Reinforced Concrete
Building Materials
Metallurgy of Iron-Steel and Nonferrous Materials
Composite Materials
Polymer Materials
Sustainable Building Material Technologies/Approaches
Local/Natural Building Materials
Recyclable/Reusable Building Materials
Green/Ecological Building Materials
Durability of Building Materials
Waste Materials
Nanotechnology Materials

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