17th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics
April 3–9, 2016 (tentative) • Konya, Turkey
Publication: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science; issue of a journal
Cultural program: three full-day tours to Cappadocia, Konya, cave, and more.
Pre/post conf tours are tentatively planned for separate fee.
Keynote: to be announced
Awards: best paper, best presentation, best poster, best software
See our verifiability, reproducibility, and working description policy
Endorsed by the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL) (anticipated)
Why CICLing?
This conference is the seventeenth CICLing event. Some comments about past CICLing conferences include: Best NLP conference in Europe (Dan Tufiş, 2010), Fantastic conference! (Martin Kay, 2004), Everything was just great! Super-hyper-ultra-well done! (Igor Mel’cuk, 2000). We consider the following factors to define our identity:
High reputation. CICLing is one of leading NLP conferences, ranked 6th in Computational Linguistics by Google Metrics, ranked 8th in NLP by ArnetMiner, and B by the CORE list.
Good publication. The Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) published by Springer is a prestigious book series / journal highly valued in many countries for university promotion. CICLing is included in ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, EI, and a number of other important indices.
Excellent keynote speakers. We invite the most prominent scientists of the field to give keynote talks that (unlike other conferences) are published in extenso in the proceedings. Each keynote speaker also organizes an additional tutorial or discussion. They usually participate in the cultural program, where you can interact with them in an informal environment. [Past participants’ opinions]
General interest. The conference covers nearly all topics related to computational linguistics and NLP. This makes it attractive for people from different areas and leads to vivid and interesting discussions and exchange of opinions.
Informal interaction. The conference is intended for a rather small group of professionals. This allows for informal and friendly atmosphere, more resembling a friendly party than an official event. At CICLing, you can pass hours speaking with your favorite famous scientists who you scarcely could even greet in the crowd at large conferences.
Excellent cultural program. The conference is intended for people feeling themselves young in their souls, adventurous explorers of both science and life. Our cultural program brings the participants to unique marvels of history and nature often hidden from ordinary tourists.
Why Konya?
Why not?
CICLing 2016 is hosted by the Mevlana University, Turkey, and organized by the CICLing 2016 Organizing Committee in conjunction with the Mevlana University, the Natural Language and Text Processing Laboratory of the CIC, IPN, and the Mexican Society of Artificial Intelligence (SMIA).
Areas of interest
In general, we are interested in whatever helps, will help eventually, or might help computers meaningfully deal with language data.
The conference is intended to encourage exchange of opinions between the scientists working in different areas of the growing field of computational linguistics and intelligent text and speech processing. Our idea is to get a general view of the state of art in computational linguistics and its applications.
Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, the following topics, provided that the work is presented in computer-related or formal description aspects:
Computational linguistics research:
Computational linguistic theories and formalisms
Representation of linguistic knowledge
Lexical resources
Morphology, syntax, semantics
Discourse models
Ambiguity resolution
Anaphora resolution
Word sense disambiguation
Recognizing textual entailment
Text generation
Machine translation
Intelligent text and speech processing and their applications:
Opinion mining, sentiment analysis, social networks
Speech processing and text-to-speech
Text categorization and clustering
Information retrieval, information extraction
Text mining
Spell checking
Detection of plagiarism
Natural language interfaces
We welcome works on processing any language (not necessarily English), though major languages are of more general interest. When discussing phenomena of languages other than English, please keep your discussion understandable for people not familiar with this language.
You can have a look at the contents of the proceedings of past CICLing events to get an idea of our interests. If not sure whether your topic is of interest, please ask us.
Keynote speakers
Four keynote speakers, first-class experts, will be announced here. Please have a look at the list of past keynote speakers (left-hand side of the main page) to get an idea.
Traditionally, our keynote speakers give a formal talk, which is also published in extenso in the proceedings, and also organize a “special event” (a discussion, tutorial, experiment, or something just interesting). Such events, as well as publication of the keynote talks in the proceedings, are distinctive features of CICLing. [Past participants’ opinions]
Important dates
Expression of interest = registration of abstracts, see below
to be announced
Full text of registered papers (please first register your abstract)
to be announced
Notification of acceptance
to be announced
Camera-ready for LNCS
to be announced
Camera-ready for post-conf journals (RCS, CyS, IJCLA — not LNCS)
To be announced.
Early registration (authors)
to be announced
April 3–9, 2016 (tentative)
Submitting a paper constitutes a consent for publication and a promise in case of acceptance to attend the conference and to pay the fee. See more details in the legal notices.
Paper submission is divided into two phases:
Please express your interest now by registering a tentative abstract of the paper via the web submission system. At this stage, the full text is not required and the tentative abstract will only be used to assign reviewers for your paper. You can update abstract, title, or full text as many times as you wish while the paper submission system is open. At this stage we only need to know the topic of your paper
By the full text deadline, the authors of papers registered at the previous step should upload the full text of the paper. No changes should be made after this date (but contact the organizers if you need to make changes).