12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering

Dear Colleagues,

12th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE2016) will be held in Istanbul, Turkey, September 21-23, 2016. This event will provide an excellent oppurtunity for the participants from around the world to meet, exchange new ideas and share knowledge, interests and experiences while enjoying the magnificent city of Istanbul.

The traditional ACE Congresses have been hosted every two years by one of the organizing universities: Boğaziçi University, Eastern Mediterranean University, Istanbul Technical University, Karadeniz Technical University, Middle East Technical University and Yıldız Technical University, with the support of Turkish Chamber of Civil Engineers.

ACE 2016 will be a venue for researchers and experts to present and discuss the recent progesses in all fields of civil engineering. In addition, well known experts will be delivering keynote lectures, presenting the state-of-art in their field of research. The conference will provide a great opportunity to get together the civil engineering community to share recent advances and cutting edge developments.

We are looking forward to seeing you at ACE2016.
With my best regards,
Prof. Dr. Turan Özturan
Congress Chairman

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.