10th International Beech Symposium

Dear Colleagues,

After the successful 9th International Beech Conference of the IUFRO Working Party 1.01.07 in Dresden, Germany, we would like to invite you to the “10th International Beech Symposium” to be held by Kastamonu University in Turkey from September 1st to 6th, 2015. For Turkey, Beech has a special importance because of its increasing economic market value as the main broadleaved species in Turkish forestry.

The aim of the symposium is to provide a synoptic overview on latest observations in beech ecosystem dynamics, recent threats and suitable management concepts

We hope that you will make plans now to attend the symposium and we encourage you to share your knowledge by submitting contributions to the program. Please, do not hesitate to contact us should you have any questions regarding the program.

We look forward to see you in Kastamonu / TURKEY in 2015.

Sincerely yours on behalf of organizing committee,

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Khosro SAGHEB-TALEBİ Prof. Dr. Sezgin AYAN
Coordinator of IUFRO 1.01.07 Head of Silviculture Department & Vice Rector
Ecology and Silviculture of Beech Kastamonu University


Climate change and its impacts upon the Beech forests.


Fagus is the most abundant and economically important hardwood genera in northern hemisphere in temperate forests. In Turkey, most oriental beech (Fagus orientalis Lipsky) forests are distributed in northern of Turkey. However, relict oriental beech forests are distributed in the Eastern Mediterranean region of Turkey, including Adana, Osmaniye, Hatay, and Kahramanmaras provinces. Oriental beech forests in Turkey include Abies nordmanniana, A. nordmanniana subsp. bornmülleriana, A. equi-trojani, Pinus sylvestris, P.nigra Arnold subsp. pallasiana and Picea orientalis at higher elevations, and there are also single-species stands that cover large areas and are connected by corridors. Oriental beech forests have, however, been degraded, especially near villages and transport corridors. So, Natural or artificial regeneration, rehabilitation, and conversion from coppice to high forest are important practices in Oriental beech forests in Turkey.

The aim of the symposium is to provide an overview on latest research related to beech species and beech dominated ecosystem and their dynamics challenges and potentials in the light of climate change. Particular focus will be at the identification of scientifically based sustainable management solutions to meet these challenges and develop the potentials. Presentations are welcome for the following session topics:


1) Paleoecology and distribution of beech

2) Ecology of beech (incl. pathology and pests)

3) Genetics of beech

4) Structure and dynamics of beech stands including silvicultural systems, approaches and thinning.

5) Regeneration of beech forests from flowering to the first thinning.

6) Management of the beech forests including economic value and importance of beech forest products

Türkiye Eğitim Kampüsü - İlkokul ortaokul lise üniversite eğitim etkinlikleri duyuruları.